The cerebellum, located in your brain, is the center of all balance and control in the body. Conditions where your balance and stability are affected due to an injury or a condition with the cerebellum may impact an individual’s ability to move freely or cause ataxia. To determine if you have a disease of the cerebellum, a CT, MRI or EMG may be performed to scan the brain for activity issues.
What are common symptoms of cerebellar disorders?
Common symptoms of Diseases of the Cerebellum include, but are not limited to:
- Unable to balance
- Gait issues
- Loss of coordination
- Disordered eye movements
- Unsteadiness
- Cannot control muscles in extremities
How can Diseases of the Cerebellum impact mobility?
For those who have who experience a cerebellar disease, it may be difficult to maintain balance on both stable and unstable surfaces. It may also become difficult to maneuver around tight spaces on your own. The use of a mobility aid, like a TOPRO rollator, may offer the additional support needed for an individual to move around independently with confidence. Common conditions that may cause damage the spinal cord and peripheral nerves where your cerebellum and muscles connect may include:
- Cerebellar Motor Syndrome
- Cerebellar Degenerative Diseases
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Cerebral Palsy
- Stroke
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Sarcoidosis
- Celiac Disease
- Other Autoimmune Diseases
How rollators may help those with Diseases of the Cerebellum?
The use of a mobility device may offer additional support to those with diseases of the cerebellum while offering stable, confident movements. A consistent gait, stable support, assistance standing and sitting and, most importantly, an increased sense of independence is all possible that to the engineers at TOPRO. Unlike traditional walkers and rollators, the modern, European design combined with environmental sustainability were at the heart of our engineers as they designed TOPRO’s product line. Products like the TOPRO Olympos ATR rollator or Troja upright walker may assist with safe, independent movement.
TOPRO Mobility ProductsExplore More Paths
Bringing one of Europe’s leading line of rollators and upright walkers to the United States and Canada, TOPRO USA invites you “Explore More Paths” with the confidence, safety and stability. With an industry leading 7-year warranty, modern stylish design, and durability, TOPRO products are in stock and ready to ship.
The above information is intended for support and resource but does not replace the direction of a medical professional, healthcare provider, therapist, nurse, aide, or any professional training. Prior to purchasing any mobility device, it is important to discuss options with medical providers.